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Cauliflower bunches up close in a line.


Quick Facts

Vegetable Type: Cruciferous
Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Seasonality: Fall to winter
Nutrients: Calcium, choline, folate, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K
Flavor: Earthy & nutty
Complementary Flavors: Dill and garlic
Quick Cooking Tip: Mince up cauliflower florets into tiny pieces, and sauté with onion and tasty seasonings to make a healthier-for-you version of rice.
*from least expensive ($) to most expensive ($$$$)

Learning cauliflower nutrition, cauliflower being cut on a cutting board.

Cauliflower Nutrition Benefits & Culinary Tips

Cauliflower is a versatile vegetable that can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes.


Cauliflower Recipes

Pair cauliflower with various ingredients and flavor profiles for the perfect dish!
Cauliflower being prepped over a cutting board.

Health Benefits

  • Contains Antimicrobial Effects
  • Can Help Inhibit Breast Cancer Development
  • High Intake Can Help Prevent Cancer
  • Potential for Neuroprotection
  • Helps Reduce Inflammation

Making Cauliflower Kid-Friendly

Cut cauliflower heads in half and roast them in the oven until golden and crispy. Serve with your child’s favorite dipping sauce for a delicious after-school snack.

Above shot of sweet potato and bison hash in a skillet

Making the Most of Leftovers

If you have leftover cauliflower, chop the florets and use them to make this Sweet Potato and Bison Breakfast Hash.


Vegan & Vegetarian Tip

Cauliflower is a great swap for many animal-based proteins. It can be made into vegetarian chicken wings, Vegan stuffing, and even Vegetarian Kung Pao Cauliflower.

Color cauliflower at the grocery store.

Fun Fact

Did you know that cauliflower isn’t just white? It also comes in vibrant shades like purple, neon green, and orange.

Sustainability Tip

Did you know all parts of the cauliflower are edible? To reduce food waste, use the leaves in a salad mix, roast chopped stalks to soften their texture, or simply freeze the scraps to use in a homemade vegetable broth.


The information above was compiled with help from the following sources.
Isabella Mead Headshot

Isabella Mead

Assistant Project Manager,
The Paleo Diet

USDA logo


Online Resource

Griffin McMath Bio Photo

Griffin McMath

Chief Content Officer,
The Paleo Diet

Foodborne Pathogens and Disease cover and logo.

Foodborne Pathogens and Disease

Scientific Journal

Cellular and Molecular Biology cover and logo.

Cellular and Molecular Biology

Scientific Journal

Molecules journal logo


Scientific Journal

Journal of Medicinal Food cover and logo.

Journal of Medicinal Food

Scientific Journal

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