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Frequently Asked Questions

These are the questions we get asked most often about The Paleo Diet®.

Get your answers directly from Dr. Loren Cordain and our team of experts.

Young woman smiling confident pouring water on blender at kitchen

What You Might Not Know About Paleo

  • The Paleo Diet is based on the natural foods we evolved eating.
  • It's not an all-meat diet. In fact, most Paleo Dieters eat more fruits and veggies than meats!
  • The Paleo Diet does not recommend macronutrient ratios. Carbs, protein, fat are all okay by us.
  • The Paleo Diet provides more vitamins and minerals than most other ways of eating.
  • Science shows The Paleo Diet is better at disease prevention and reducing inflammation than all other diets.

Q: What Are The Health Benefits of The Paleo Diet? 

A: You can expect better digestion, more energy, weight loss, decreased inflammation, boosted immunity, and protection from various diseases when following The Paleo Diet.
The Paleo Diet Is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Chronic inflammation is at the heart of most chronic illnesses, including autoimmune disease. Here’s how The Paleo Diet can stop inflammation and minimize your risk of chronic illness. READ
A box of tissues, a hot drink and a pair of reading glasses.
Healthy Foods and Micronutrients That Boost Your Immune System
These foods can boost your immune system during times of stress, poor sleep, or whenever you feel a cold coming on. READ
Beautiful woman wearing orange tank top smiles during a sunset evening trail run
How to Avoid Disease and Stay Healthy for Life
Adopting a Paleo Diet and lifestyle can help to reverse the damaging effects of modern living. Learn what steps to take today to improve your health in the long run! READ
Couple giving a cheers with red wine over a healthy dinner
Top 10 Heart-Healthy Paleo Foods
The most important step you can take for a healthy heart is what you put on your plate. Add these 10 foods to your Paleo diet menu to promote heart health. READ

Q: How Is The Paleo Diet Different From Other Diets? 

A: The Paleo Diet is a way of eating that results in strength and health gains. We focus on eating whole, all-natural foods the way our ancestors did. The Paleo Diet is not a temporary diet, it's something to live on.
A keto-friendly bowl of salmon, a hard-boiled egg, green beans, avocado, and broccoli
Paleo vs. Keto: What’s the Difference?
The Paleo Diet® and the keto diet are both popular ways to lose weight, but there’s a lot of confusion about what differentiates the two.
Plants and spices lined out on a table
What Does “Plant-Based” Really Mean?
There are several definitions for the plant-based diet trend. We explore what they are, and how The Paleo Diet can fit into this plan.
Raw cuts of salmon, chicken, steak, and organ meat on black slate
The Carnivore Diet vs. The Paleo Diet
At first glance, the carnivore diet seems congruent with The Paleo Diet, but there are marked differences between the two.

Q: Why Is The Paleo Diet Against Added Salt?

A: When you consume salt, your body responds by tapping into its reserve of calcium salts in the bones. This can lead to osteoporosis, other degenerative diseases, and can create a host of various health problems which is why we avoid salt on The Paleo Diet.
Is salt Paleo? A woman adds salt to a dish at a restaurant.
Why The Paleo Diet Supports a Low Sodium Diet
CEO Trevor Connor explains the five key reasons The Paleo Diet is a low-sodium diet. READ
Celtic sea salt in a bowl and on a wooden spoon on a table cloth.
What Is Celtic Sea Salt? Why Sel Gris Is Unhealthy
Celtic sea salt, or sel gris, is a form of salt harvested in France that contains minerals from clay soil. But it's still sodium and therefore unhealthy. READ
Salt is a Killer Without Huge Intakes of Fruits and Veggies
Are you eating enough fresh fruits and veggies to counteract your salt intake? READ
The Sodium/Potassium Ratio and Its Importance in Human Health
Evidence suggests that the sodium/potassium ratio with a Paleo Diet is far more beneficial to human health when compared to a typical Western diet. READ

Myths About The Paleo Diet

Misinterpretations abound! Let's set the record straight.

Q: Is Meat Bad For You?

A: No, minimally processed, natural meats, poultry, and seafood are part of a healthy omnivore diet. Omnivore diets like The Paleo Diet are more effective in improving blood cholesterol and other blood lipid levels than low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets.
4 Reasons You Should Be Eating Animal Proteins
Make sure you are including the right protein in your diet!
Eat More Protein for Better Health
Protein is essential to overall health and wellness, weight loss, and athletic performance. A Paleo diet is naturally high in protein and low in sodium.
Protein bowl with egg, pickled ginger, mushrooms, bacon, and green onions
Plant Protein vs. Animal Protein: What’s The Difference?
Are plant-based proteins just as good as animal proteins? No, in the debate of plant protein vs animal protein, the science clearly shows that animal proteins are healthier and better sources of protein for several important reasons.

Q: Will I Get Enough Nutrients on The Paleo Diet? 

A: Yes, The Paleo Diet focuses on nutrient-dense foods that will enhance your calcium-to-magnesium, potassium-to-sodium, and omega-6-to-omega-3 ratios. By balancing your three micronutrient ratios, your overall health can improve. 
Simple Ways to Reduce Omega-6s and Increase Omega-3s in Your Diet for Better Health
Learn how to reduce omega-6s and increase omega-3s with your paleo diet. Browse The Paleo Diet® for the latest paleo news, meal plans & more today! READ
Above shot of a group eating dinner at a table
3 Micronutrient Ratios to Keep in Balance
A typical Western diet puts people way off on these delicate micronutrient ratios. READ
The Magnesium and Calcium relationship is a ratio for good health.
The Importance of the Magnesium and Calcium Relationship: A Key Ratio for Health
The magnesium and calcium relationship is important for overall health—and government guidelines on calcium got the science wrong. READ
Eliminating Non-Paleo Foods Improves Nutrient Density
We compare the nutrient density of Paleo foods to non-Paleo foods to show the health benefits of eating natural foods. READ
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