Quick Facts
Fruit Type: Berry
Scientific Name: Solanum lycopersicum
Seasonality: May to October
Nutrients: Calcium, carotene, potassium, lycopene, vitamin C
Flavor: Fresh & juicy
Complementary Flavors: Olive oil & garlic
Quick Cooking Tip: To easily remove tomato skins, boil for 20-30 seconds.
Cost: $$*
*from least expensive ($) to most expensive ($$$$)
Tomato Recipes

Health Benefits
Making Tomatoes Kid-Friendly
Puree tomatoes into a smooth liquid with bone broth to create a creamy tomato soup for your little ones.
Leftover Life Hack
Make stuffed tomatoes after you use the filling, so you can use the whole tomato and reduce waste.
Sustainability Tip
To cultivate your own tomatoes, plant the tomato seeds in well-prepared soil, ensuring they receive adequate sunlight and water throughout their growth cycle.
Athelete Perfomance
Tomatoes are a valuable addition to an athlete’s diet because they help to reduce inflammation in the body, a crucial factor in both recovery and performance