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Family & Household

What to Buy at the Grocery Store for the Lowest Carbon Footprint
Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan
It’s easy to forget that the foods we eat have an environmental impact. Here’s how to choose your foods to show your care for the globe.
The Environmental Impact of Food
Chris Case, M.A.
Food production also has a dramatic effect on the environment. Here's what you need to know.
Grow Your Own Food with These 5 Home Garden Tips
Courtney Hamilton
Growing your own herbs and veggies not only benefits your health, it helps the environment, too. Here’s how to maximize a small outdoor garden to yield an impressive harvest.
Sustainable Eating for Sustainable Health
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
Can the same eating plan that supports the health of our planet also be the plan which supports our own health?
Nourishing Yourself & Baby for an Optimal Pregnancy
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
How to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy.
Fresh Sardines or Canned Sardines: No Longer an Option for Americans
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
In today’s post, we explore the effects of the declining sardine population on the US market and your health.
Keeping Your Kids on Track While on Summer Vacation
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
Get your whole family on a healthier eating system in time for summer vacation with just a few easy tips.
Why You Should Opt for Grass-Fed Beef
Kyle Cordain
Learn why you should choose grass-fed beef on the paleo diet. Browse The Paleo Diet® for paleo eating tips, paleo approved foods & recipes today!
The Vaccination Debate
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
When it comes to vaccination, it’s easy for Paleo dieters to get caught up in the debate. How can we honor an ancestral approach to life in modern times?
How to Help Your Kids Eat Healthy
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
"Back to school" doesn’t have to mean putting the kids’ healthy eating habits on hold for a less-than-ideal school lunch.
Selecting Seafood for Health and Sustainability
The Paleo Diet Team
Seafood should be a part of your Paleo Diet, but is it always sustainable?
How to Eat to Increase Your Chances for Conception
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
One of the numerous benefits from switching to a Paleo Diet is greatly improving yours and your partners chance for conception, pregnancy and a healthy baby
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