Mustard Microgreens
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Quick Facts
Vegetable Type: Cruciferous
Scientific Name: Brassica juncea L. Czern.
Seasonality: Year round
Nutrients: Calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, & vitamin K
Flavor: Peppery & sweet
Complementary Flavors: Garlic or fish
Quick Cooking Tip: Top your soup with a handful of mustard microgreens for an extra boost of nutrients and flavor
Cost: $$$*
*from least expensive ($) to most expensive ($$$$)
Are Mustard Microgreens Good for You?
Learn how these tiny, tangy greens can enhance your dishes and contribute to overall health.
Mustard Chicken Soup recipe
A flavorful spin on everyone’s favorite classic chicken noodle soup: Mustard Chicken Soup.
FULL RECIPEHealth Benefits
Microgreens: Big Nutrition in a Small Package
These greens may be tiny, but from a nutritional standpoint, they’re mighty. Learn why microgreens are so good for you.
Industry Insider Tip
“Packing a punch bigger than their size, mustard microgreens are no novice when it comes to taking savory dishes to the next level! Known as strong antioxidants, mustard microgreens are also dense with potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin E. They are a great addition to soups and sandwiches, as well as a great way to spice up salads!”
Making Mustard Microgreens Kid-Friendly
Finely chop mustard microgreens and mix them into a Paleo dipping sauce for an extra burst of flavor—perfect for your kids to dunk their veggies or chicken bites in.
Make the Most of Leftovers
Swap regular microgreens in this recipe for mustard microgreens, which have a savory, peppery flavor to elevate the dish.
FULL RECIPESustainability Tip
After using a microgreen growing tray, rinse and dry it out, then repurpose it as an organizer tray in your desk or junk drawer for small, loose items like pocket change, paper clips, or rubberbands.