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Loren Cordain, Ph.D.

Dietary Salt Impairs the Endothelial Glycocalyx: The Most Important Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor You May Never Have Heard About
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Learn more about dietary salt & the paleo diet. Browse The Paleo Diet® blog to learn more about the paleo diet, paleo foods & health benefits today!
Further Evidence Against a High Sodium Paleo Diet
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Read more about high sodium Paleo Diets & health benefits. Read The Paleo Diet® blog to learn more about the paleo diet, paleo foods & more today!
Coffee Drinking Revisited: Recent research shows therapeutic benefits to consuming coffee
Mark J. Smith, Ph.D.
Learn more about the paleo diet & coffee. Browse The Paleo Diet® blog to learn more about the paleo diet, paleo recipes, food lists & more today!
Are Peanuts Paleo? See Why This Legume Is Unhealthy.
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Peanuts aren't actually nuts, they are roasted legumes. Since all legumes contain anti-nutrients, peanuts are unhealthy and not Paleo.
Is Sea Salt Healthy?
Loren Cordain, Ph.D. and Trevor Connor, M.S.
Paleo bloggers and influencers have claimed that added salt is healthy based on research showing a J-shaped relationship. But there were major flaws in this research. Added sodium in any form like sea salt, Celtic salt, Himalayan salt, or table salt is unhealthy.
More Sunlight May Be the Cure to Your Ailments
The Paleo Diet Team
UV radiation can have profound positive effects on human physiology, but a lack of exposure can also lead to a host of health problems.
How Healthy Are Pomegranates?
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Learn how the pomegranate is The Paleo Diet’s healthiest fruit.
Eliminating Non-Paleo Foods Improves Nutrient Density
Loren Cordain, Ph.D. and Trevor Connor, M.S.
We compare the nutrient density of Paleo foods to non-Paleo foods to show the health benefits of eating natural foods.
Loren Cordain, Ph.D., discusses Paleo on “That Paleo Diet Show”
The Paleo Diet Team
Watch Loren Cordain, Ph.D discuss the paleo diet on "That Paleo Diet Show". Browse The Paleo Diet® blog to learn more about the paleo diet & recipes!
Keeping Your Next Backpacking Trip Paleo
Kyle Cordain
Planning a four- to five-day backpacking trip? Want to keep up your Paleo lifestyle while you’re out there? Check out our tips and ideas for staying Paleo while backpacking.
Promoting Calcium Balance Health on a Paleo Diet (Easier Than You Think)
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Learn how to promote calcium balance on a paleo diet. Browse The Paleo Diet® blog for more paleo diet tips, paleo recipes, meal plans & more today!
Is Sugar Addictive?
Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS
We examine the debate on how addictive sugar really is, and whether or not it should be considered dangerous.
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