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Nourishing Yourself & Baby for an Optimal Pregnancy
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
How to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy.
Fiery Hot Sauces: Are They Healthy?
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Hot sauces are an evolutionary new addition to our diet, but are they good for us?
Why We Shouldn’t Exclude Fat from Our Diets
The Paleo Diet Team
There are many types of fatty acids in our diet including monounsaturated and omega-3s and they all play important roles in our body. We need to eat them.
How Vitamin D Boosts Immunity
Aimee McNew
Vitamin D boosts the immune system by speeding up the first wave of immune response against viruses like COVID and the flu.
The Growing Shortage of Nurses
David Whiteside
We are facing a nursing shortage in long term healthcare facilities. A healthy lifestyle that includes eating a Paleo Diet may be your best solution.
How to Practice Sun Safety and Still Get Enough Vitamin D
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
While too much sun exposure can be harmful, spending time in the sun also increases our body’s vitamin D—so what’s the balance?
Increased Awareness of Paleo Diet Implications for Alzheimer’s Is a Must
David Whiteside
Learn how eating a proper diet can help you age better and avoid conditions associated with aging like neurodegeneration.
How to Get a Beach-Ready Body
Jane Dizon
Feel better and prepare for your next beach outing with this helpful guide from The Paleo Diet. Keep up with our blog to learn even more about Paleo for athletes!
How Late-Night Eating Affects Your Circadian Rhythm
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Today, there are many ancestral circadian mismatches with modern life. Late-night eating may be one of the most glaring incongruous elements.
Nell’s Corner: Top Five Tips to Burn Fat
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
Can we turn out bodies into better fat burners without pills, powders, and packaged shake mixes? We can if we change what we eat!
Can the Paleo Diet Diminish Alzheimer’s Disease Risk?
Christopher Clark
For years, many scientist and pharmacists supported the amyloid cascade theory as the cause for Alzheimer’s. However, a growing body of research is disproving this theory pointing to other potential causes and treatments.
Further Evidence Against a High Sodium Paleo Diet
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Read more about high sodium Paleo Diets & health benefits. Read The Paleo Diet® blog to learn more about the paleo diet, paleo foods & more today!
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