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Trevor Connor, M.S.

Articles by Trevor Connor, M.S.: Page 2

Reversing Alzheimer’s: An Interview with Neuroscientist Dr. Dale Bredesen (part II)
Trevor Connor, M.S.
The Paleo Diet continues its interview with Dr Dale Bredesen, the creator of the ReCODE formula – a lifestyle and dietary approach to reversing Alzheimer’s disease.
Reversing Alzheimer’s: An Interview with Neuroscientist Dr. Dale Bredesen (part I)
Trevor Connor, M.S.
The Paleo Diet interviews Dr Dale Bredesen, the creator of the ReCODE formula – a lifestyle and dietary approach to reversing Alzheimer’s disease.
Why The Paleo Diet Supports a Low Sodium Diet
Trevor Connor, M.S.
CEO Trevor Connor explains the five key reasons The Paleo Diet is a low-sodium diet.
The Importance of the Magnesium and Calcium Relationship: A Key Ratio for Health
Trevor Connor, M.S.
The magnesium and calcium relationship is important for overall health—and government guidelines on calcium got the science wrong.
The research of Dr. Douglas London on one of the last remaining indigenous hunter-gatherer societies on Earth
Trevor Connor, M.S.
In this follow-up interview, Dr. London discusses his upcoming research and dives deeper into the Kawymeno diet.
History of The Paleo Diet
Trevor Connor, M.S.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists, physicians, and people from all walks of life are responsible for creating this incredibly powerful idea that can be used to bring order and wisdom to dietary and lifestyle issues.
Does a Low-Salt Diet Cause Insulin Resistance?
Trevor Connor, M.S.
There’s a belief in the Paleo world that a low-salt diet leads to insulin resistance, but the science shows the exact opposite - a high-salt diet causes it.
A Recent Study Finds the Paleo Diet Raises TMAO Levels – But Does it Actually Study the Paleo Diet?
Trevor Connor, M.S.
A recent study out of Australia made headlines claiming that the Paleo Diet rasies TMAO and leads to heart disease. It doesn’t. We show why.
Balancing Exercise and Illness: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Trevor Connor, M.S.
Our immune systems don’t just fight viruses; they are also responsible for our training adaptations making proper diet and rest critical for any athlete
Stanford Study Supports Eating Healthy Fats
Trevor Connor, M.S.
A new Stanford study shows that it may not be low-carb or low-fat, but the quality of the fatty acids you’re eating which is a key part of the Paleo Diet
The Myth that Hunter-Gatherers Didn’t Live Long
Trevor Connor, M.S.
Does Bill Nye’s recent criticism of Paleo lifestyles and diets hold scientific weight? Read why the research doesn’t back his claims, and keep up with our blog for the latest Paleo news!
Naturally & Artificially Sweetened Beverages Are Associated with Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Trevor Connor, M.S.
A growing body of research demonstrates the negative health effects of overconsuming sweeteners.
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