Press Release: Change in Company Ownership

Dear Paleo Diet Readers,
The Paleo Diet, LLC would like to announce a change in company ownership.
This summer Loren Cordain, Ph.D., one of the originators of the Paleo Diet concept and Lorrie Cordain, owners of the Paleo Diet, LLC, decided to take a step back from the day-to-day operation of the business and invited bids to purchase the business.
After an extensive review process, The Paleo Diet Team is excited to announce that Trevor Connor, a member of the Paleo Diet Editorial Board since 2014, was selected to take over ownership of the business. Mr. Connor has extensive experience in nutrition and exercise science as Dr Cordain’s final graduate student at Colorado State University and as a high-level cycling coach with fifteen years’ experience racing the Pro cycling field himself. He has also been the training science writer for VeloNews Magazine since 2011, and owns and hosts the popular podcast Fast Talk covering the science of endurance sports.
In addition to his science background, Mr. Connor brings media, editorial, and web experience to the business, both from his work at VeloNews and Fast Talk and also from over 10 years experience as a website producer working on and managing websites for companies like Citibank, First USA bank, Nissan Motors, and WPP PLC.
“I know there were bigger, more established companies that offered significant bids on the Paleo Diet business, so I am very honored that the Cordains put their trust in me,” said Mr. Connor. “I also know that they chose me because of my goal to protect and promote the remarkable science that Dr Cordain has developed over the past two decades.”
“It is with great pleasure and confidence that I have been able to hand over the reins of The Paleo Diet website to my last Paleo Diet graduate student, Trevor Connor, M.S,” said Dr Cordain. “Lorrie and I will still be able to provide Trevor and his team with input, but the management and day to day activities of the website will be completely in Trevor’s hands. Trevor is an objective scientist who fully understands the Paleo Diet concept and will be working with Mark Smith, Ph.D. (my first Paleo Diet graduate student) to ensure a fruitful and smooth transition.”
While Dr. Cordain and Mrs. Cordain will step back from the day-to-day operation of the business, they are both excited to continue researching and writing for The Paleo Diet website. With Mr. Connor managing the day-to-day operations, Dr Cordain will be able to focus his attention entirely on his research and bringing new cutting-edge science to our loyal readers. The entire team is excited about this new balance and what it will mean for The Paleo Diet over the upcoming years.
About The Paleo Diet®
The Paleo Diet was first coined in Dr Cordain’s groundbreaking book The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat published in 2004. The concept is based on decades of evidence-based research by noted authorities including Dr Cordain, Boyd Eaton, Ph.D., and Staffan Lindeberg, Ph.D.. Grounded in evolutionary biology, the diet promotes eating the foods that humans were genetically adapted to eat including vegetable, lean meats, fish fruits, eggs, nuts, and seeds. The mission of The Paleo Diet LLC is to promote both the science and the day-to-day lifestyle of the Paleo Diet.
The Paleo Diet Team
The Paleo Diet® team consists of a group of scientists, journalists, experts, and recipe creators who stay at the forefront of nutrition science.
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