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Orange Glazed Duck with Herb Stuffing, unsliced cooked duck on a plate.
Serve with stuffing made from homemade Paleo bread for a show-stopping dinner!
Orange Glazed Duck with Herb Stuffing, unsliced cooked duck on a plate.

Serve this whole glazed duck with stuffing made from homemade Paleo bread for a show-stopping dinner!

Looking for a dinner party idea, or bored of the same old chicken? This whole duck is coated with a sweet orange-honey glaze for a full meal that can easily serve four people. No wonder duck is a favorite protein!

Bread, even those made entirely with grain-free ingredients, is never considered completely Paleo. That’s why this recipe is PaleoFLEX™ and not TruePaleo. We also use a bit more honey than normal for the glaze, and low sodium chicken stock, which is often off the table on The Paleo Diet® because even low sodium brands contain too much salt. Just be sure to keep recipes like this a special treat!

This stuffed duck recipe requires a bit of prep, but you can do much of it ahead of time. First, if you have a frozen duck, be sure to thaw it a few days ahead of time. You can also prep the bread for the stuffing a day or two in advance.

Start by making the bread, which is made from eggs, coconut milk, olive oil, almond flour and baking powder. Mix and pour into a loaf pan, then cool before slicing into cubes.

Meanwhile, prep the veggie part of the stuffing: sauté celery, onions, garlic and herbs until soft, then mix with the bread cubes. An egg whisked with chicken stock helps keep the stuffing together.

Before preparing the duck, be sure it is completely thawed out and remove the giblets. Dry it completely with paper towels, then prick the skin all over with the tip of a sharp knife. Make a simple olive oil and herb mixture, and rub it all over the duck.

Next, spoon the stuffing into the cavity. You won’t be able to fit it all, but that’s okay – we’ll cook the rest later! Set the remaining stuffing in the fridge for now. Set the duck into a roasting pan, tuck in the wings, and add two cups of water. Roast for about an hour and a half. You’ll know it’s fully cooked when the juices run clear. Note: If the juices run pink or red, the inside is still uncooked! It’s always best to use a meat thermometer to be absolutely sure that the meat is cooked to temperature. If the stuffing starts to get too dark while roasting, tent the lower half of the duck with aluminum foil or parchment paper.

While the duck is roasting, make a simple glaze of honey, orange juice, and orange zest. Brush it all over the duck, then roast another 10-15 minutes, until shiny and fragrant.

Be sure to rest the duck before slicing. Meanwhile, cook the remaining stuffing in the hot oven. Serve the duck with the hot stuffing, and dig in!

Tip: Use low sodium chicken stock instead of water in the pan if you’d like to turn the drippings into duck gravy!

For hundreds of pure Paleo recipes be sure to check out The Real Paleo Diet Cookbook and The Real Paleo Diet Fast and Easy.

PaleoFLEX™ Orange Glazed Duck with Herb Stuffing

  • Serves: 4
  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 3 hours
  • Total Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
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  • 3 eggs, divided

  • 1/2 cups coconut milk

  • 3 tbsp olive oil, divided

  • 2 cups blanched almond flour

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1 cups celery, chopped

  • 1/2 cups sweet yellow onion, chopped

  • 1 clove garlic, minced

  • 1 1/2 tsp fresh thyme, leaves only, divided

  • 1/4 + 1/8 tsp dried sage

  • 1/4 tsp cracked black pepper

  • 1/4 cups low sodium chicken stock

  • 5 lb whole duck, thawed and giblets removed

  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 tbsp honey

  • 1 tbsp fresh orange juice

  • 1 tsp orange zest


  1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF and line a loaf pan with parchment paper, with the sides overlapping.

  2. To make the stuffing: Whisk two of the eggs, coconut milk and one tablespoon of the olive oil in a mixing bowl. Gradually whisk in the almond flour and baking powder. Spread the mixture evenly in the prepared pan and bake for 35-40 minutes. Cool in the loaf pan for 10 minutes before lifting from sides and cooling at room temperature for 30 minutes.

  3. Heat the a tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Add the celery and onion and sauté for 7-8 minutes, until vegetables begin to soften. Stir in the garlic, 1 teaspoon of thyme, ¼ teaspoon of sage, and black pepper. Cook 1 minute longer. Remove from the heat and cool for 5 minutes.

  4. When the bread has cooled, cube it and set it in a mixing bowl with the sautéed vegetables. Whisk one egg with the chicken stock in a small bowl and pour it over the top. Stir gently to coat.

  5. To prep the duck: Blot the excess moisture from the skin and cavity with a paper towel. Prick the breast all over with the tip of a sharp knife.

  6. Stir together a tablespoon of olive oil with ½ teaspoon of thyme, 1/8 teaspoon of sage and the garlic powder. Rub the skin with the herb mixture.

  7. Spoon about 2 cups of the bread stuffing into the cavity. Tuck the wings behind the duck and set on a roasting pan. Pour 2 cups of water in bottom of the pan and roast for 1 ½ hours, or until thermometer inserted into thigh reads 180ºF and 165ºF in the stuffing.

  8. To make the glaze: Stir together the honey, orange juice and orange zest. Brush on the breast and thighs, then return to the oven for 10-15 minutes longer. Rest duck at room temperature for 15 minutes before carving.

  9. While the duck rests, spread the remaining stuffing on a small parchment paper lined baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Transfer the duck to a serving platter with the stuffing and enjoy hot.

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