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Your Results for: autoimmune

How to Heal Leaky Gut with a Diet of Paleo Foods
Isabella Mead
Heal leaky gut by eating the right foods for gut health.
Are Potatoes Paleo?
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Dr. Loren Cordain discusses why potatoes aren’t Paleo and their adverse effects upon your health
The Wheat Series Part 1: Wheat and the Immune System
Trevor Connor, M.S.
A healthy gut exposed to wheat isn’t fine in anyone. Find out how the relationship between wheat and the immune system causes inflammation in our guts.
Are Beans Healthy? Why The Paleo Diet Bans Legumes
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Beans and legumes have been promoted by the USDA as nutritional equivalents to animal proteins. But science shows that beans and legumes contain antinutrients that can cause many health problems.
Can Diet Help Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
Diagnosis of disease is often the pivotal point to make a lifestyle change. Can we be proactive and minimize risk for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with diet?
The Human Gut: How It Works, Its Importance to Health, and Ways to Keep It Healthy
Bill Manci
Our gastrointestinal tract comprises amazingly complex machinery. How does the gut function and why is it so important to overall health? We take a close look.
Why The Paleo Diet Supports a Low Sodium Diet
Trevor Connor, M.S.
CEO Trevor Connor explains the five key reasons The Paleo Diet is a low-sodium diet.
How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism
Aimee McNew
Here’s how to tell if you have hypothyroidism, and what to do about it.
Avoiding and Treating Chronic Illness with The Paleo Diet
Trevor Connor, M.S.
A poor diet is a known contributor to many chronic illnesses such as cancer, autoimmune disease, and heart disease.
Groundbreaking Research Finds The Paleo Diet® Most Effective at Improving Markers of Chronic Illness
Trevor Connor, M.S.
This new, peer-reviewed meta-analysis found The Paleo Diet is healthier overall than Mediterranean, DASH, and plant-based diets.
Are Sweet Potatoes Healthy? See Why Yams Have Health Benefits for Most People
Betsy Schroeder
Sweet potatoes are healthy for most people and offer a wide range of health benefits because of their vitamin, fiber, and antioxidant content.
How to Practice the Paleo Diet
The Paleo Diet Team
Dr. Mark J. Smith, Chief Science Officer of The Paleo Diet, shares new guides for how to practice The Paleo Diet and customize it for you.
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