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Your Results for: rheumatoid arthritis

How The Paleo Diet Fights Inflammation
Jodi M. VerWeire
The Paleo Diet is an anti-inflammatory diet because it promotes anti-inflammatory foods, avoids pro-inflammatory foods, and improves omega fatty acid ratios.
How to Start an Autoimmune Protocol Diet
Kimberly Tessmer, RDN, LD
If you have an autoimmune disease, here’s how to start an elimination diet to help you identify triggers, manage symptoms, and improve the quality of your life.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid Content of Fish and Seafood
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
The Paleo Diet recommends eating omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and seafood to reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease and inflammatory diseases.
Type 2 Diabetes and Endotoxemia
The Paleo Diet Team
Learn more about Paleo babies & toddlers. Visit The Paleo Diet® for the latest Paleo recipes, Paleo Diet tips & tricks, Paleo news articles & more!
Vegetarian and Vegan Diets, Part 3: Other Nutrient Deficiencies
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
You don’t have to look any further than the ADA’s or the USDA’s recommendations on vegetarian diets to discover their additional nutrient shortcomings.
More Sunlight May Be the Cure to Your Ailments
The Paleo Diet Team
UV radiation can have profound positive effects on human physiology, but a lack of exposure can also lead to a host of health problems.
How to Practice Sun Safety and Still Get Enough Vitamin D
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
While too much sun exposure can be harmful, spending time in the sun also increases our body’s vitamin D—so what’s the balance?
Addressing neurodegeneration with ReCODE: Part III of our interview with neuroscience researcher Dr. Dale Bredesen 
The Paleo Diet Team
In part III of our interview with neuroscientist Dr. Bredesen, we will finally address his treatment for cognitive decline—called ReCODE and Keto Flex 12/3.
The causes of neurodegeneration: Part II of our interview with neuroscience researcher Dr. Dale Bredesen
In part 2 of The Paleo Diet’s® interview with Dr. Bredesen we discuss the types of Alzheimer’s, leaky gut, and the immune system.
Inflammatory Bowel Disorders: Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis According to the Mismatch Hypothesis (part 2)
Raphael Sirtoli, M.Sc.
In part 2, we explore the official guidelines for treating IBD and how successful they are at helping patients avoid surgery. We also review the non-pharmaceutical interventions such as diet.
How to Tell If You Have a Nightshade Sensitivity
Megan Patiry
Nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes contain specific compounds that can affect gut health. Know the symptoms of nightshade sensitivity and see how to prep these foods to avoid a reaction.
Simple Ways to Reduce Omega-6s and Increase Omega-3s in Your Diet for Better Health
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Learn how to reduce omega-6s and increase omega-3s with your paleo diet. Browse The Paleo Diet® for the latest paleo news, meal plans & more today!
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