Dietary Intake and Hormones

Many individuals are aware of the vast health benefits when they modify their diet and adopt Paleo.1, 2, 3, 4 However, much of that awareness stems from how we feel overall, not specific recognition of a body process or system.5, 6, 7, 8 However, the hormones secreted by our endocrine system has vast importance to our overall physical health, mental health, and well being.9, 10 Pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig has made quite a splash in the nutrition world, assuming a notable role in battling the current pandemic of obesity and disease, which we all face.11, 12 My hope is more endocrinologists step up to the plate.

If you look to the scientific literature, studies comparing hormonal responses to different dietary approaches are abundant.13, 14, 15 One study found that vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat-eaters, but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin. In the same study, there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone, androstanediol glucuronide or luteinizing hormone.16 Another study found a decrease in dietary fat content and an increase in the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids reduces the serum concentrations of androstenedione, testosterone and free testosterone among male participants.17 Small dietary considerations like substituting varying amounts of saturated fats to unsaturated fats, can have tremendous hormonal results.18, 19, 20
Other researchers have found that diet type, adipokines, and gut signals, affect the presence and activity levels of hypothalamic microglia in obesity. Body weight, however, did not play a role.21 This is important, because the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus plays a key role in sensing metabolic feedback and regulating energy homeostasis.22 The microglia have been found to be higher in number and more active in mice with high–fat diet induced obesity. This should make clear just how important hormonal response to diet can be. For better or worse, your hormones run your life. If they’re not happy and functioning well, you’re not happy and functioning well.
In fact, even scientists are somewhat baffled, as to the overall complexity and intricacies of the endocrine system, and, more specifically, how diet can affect it.23, 24, 25, 26 One recent study summed it up nicely:
“Research continues to unravel the pathways and mechanisms underlying the nutrient-induced and diet-induced regulation of energy intake, as well as the changes, both peripherally and in the central nervous system, brought about by the consumption of high-fat, energy-dense diets. Much further work is required to translate this knowledge into novel, and effective, approaches for the management and treatment of obesity and associated metabolic disorders.”27
It’s important to note here that, almost always, researchers refer to the typical Western diet which is actually high fat and high sugar, as simply ‘high fat.’28 This is extremely frustrating trend from a research point of view, as it clouds the public’s judgment.

Just a few months ago, researchers found that uric acid may play a direct, causative role in the development of metabolic syndrome.29 The metabolic syndrome may be the biggest health problem for the world at large.30, 31 Since GLUT9, a glucose transporter, is part of the issue with uric acid, we must think about how this can affect our hormones, and how, by limiting glucose in the diet, we can help to better control our hormones.32 Thus, lowering our risk for disease.

I know it may seem like a complex problem, but as scientific research progresses, the findings clearly show the benefits of a low stress, healthy, nutrient-rich and sleep filled, lifestyle.33, 34 This is shown in a variety of fields of research, not just in the scope of endocrinology. Though not all of the research in all fields has been conducted, no doubt the Paleo Diet and lifestyle is likely to come out on top.
Other research has shown a possible role of diet leading to alterations in serum testosterone and free testosterone during prolonged strength training. They concluded that diets with insufficient fat and/or excessive protein may compromise the anabolic hormonal environment.35 For men looking to keep their body healthy and muscular, especially over the course of a lifetime, this is vital information, and they should consider a Paleo Diet where proteins and fats are balanced.
Another interesting study showed increased levels of leptin, when subjects consumed most of their carbohydrates at dinner. This simple change shows how humans can feel more full, and thus, more easily stick to a diet and maintain weight loss, by manipulating your hormones through diet.36
If the issue of hormones and dietary intake seems complex, unclear, and confusing – you are correct. What is known, and clear in the scientific literature, is that eating whole, real foods, in healthy concentrations, and getting lots of sleep and limiting stress – is beneficial for your entire endocrine system. A Paleo Diet and lifestyle is the safest and easiest way to control your hormones, and improve your quality of life.
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Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS
Casey Thaler is a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist.
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