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Learn About The Paleo Diet

Podcast with Dr. Paul Saladino
The Paleo Diet Team
Dr. Saladino interviews Dr. Cordain, Trevor Connor, and Mark J. Smith to debate the composition of the "real" Paleo Diet.
A Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens for Eggs
Chris Lesley
Backyard chickens can offer a steady, affordable supply of fresh eggs. See what it takes to keep chickens happy and productive at your own suburban homestead.
History of The Paleo Diet
Trevor Connor, M.S.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists, physicians, and people from all walks of life are responsible for creating this incredibly powerful idea that can be used to bring order and wisdom to dietary and lifestyle issues.
Sustainable Eating for Sustainable Health
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
Can the same eating plan that supports the health of our planet also be the plan which supports our own health?
Looking “Beyond Keto” with Dr. Terry Wahls
David Whiteside
Dr. Terry Wahls has been developing a nutritional strategy for M.S. Her most recent book applies Paleo Diet principles with intermittent fasting.
The Benefits of The Paleo Diet®
The Paleo Diet Team
Take a dive into the premise and benefits of The Paleo Diet®
Is Kimchi Paleo?
Lauren Fellows
Kimchi is high in nutrient density and healthy probiotics, but it's also high in salt. So what's the best way to enjoy it?
Four Easy Ways to Replace Potatoes
Stephanie Vuolo
Following The Paleo Diet doesn’t mean missing out on comfort foods. Try these potato substitutes with healthy ingredients for a tasty Paleo twist.
Ten Questions about The Paleo Diet with Dr Loren Cordain
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Read a transcript of Dr. Cordain’s recent interview in which he answers 10 questions about the history and the basics of the Paleo Diet.
How To Lose Weight The Healthy Way
The Paleo Diet Team
Among the many benefits of The Paleo Diet®, its ability to help people effectively lose weight in a healthy manner is one of its most powerful and transformative aspects of the diet.
The Paleo Diet: Designed by Nature, Built By Science
Mark J. Smith, Ph.D.
The Paleo Diet is the diet we evolved over a million years to eat and there is still a lot of science to show why it is still the best human diet.
How to Stay Paleo When Traveling by Plane
The Paleo Diet Team
Airports are full of unhealthy meal options ranging from fast food and donuts to salads with dairy-based dressings. Here are some tips to make it healthier.
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