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Believe it or Not: Some Shellfish Contains Carbohydrate
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Are there repercussions to our health from consuming some shellfish with concentrated sources of carbohydrates?
The Best Anti-Inflammatory Fruits and Vegetables
William Lagakos, Ph.D.
Ever wonder what the best anti-inflammatory fruits and veggies are? We have a list of our favorites with suggested recipes to boot.
Is Wine Good for You? Why Sulfites in Wine Are Unhealthy
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
As wine making progressed from the Neolithic times to the present, procedures were implemented to improve taste, but sulfites are a questionable addition.
Is Hemp Paleo?
Stephanie Vuolo
Protein accounted for 19–35% of hunter-gatherer’s energy intake. Is hemp’s amino acid profile comparable to other Paleo Diet protein sources?
How to Have a Paleo Valentine’s Day
Emily Rumsey
Does planning Valentine’s Day with your partner cause you stress? Try these 3 ideas to create the perfect Paleo Valentine’s Day.
Why Olives Are Not Paleo, But Olive Oil Is
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Olive oil is frequently used in Paleo cooking, so does that mean olives are Paleo too?
Are Dates Paleo?
The Paleo Diet Team
Medjool dates are a great Paleo snack to get you through the day while satisfying your sweet tooth. Learn all about their many benefits in this article.
Why The Paleo Diet Is the Best Low-Carb, Weight-Loss Diet
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Looking to lose weight? A low-carb Paleo Diet goes above and beyond the rest when it comes to promoting fat loss and upgrading your health.
What to Snack on This Winter (while Staying Healthy)
Lauren Fellows
We shed light on some common snacks that are not-so-healthy and give suggestions for healthy winter snacks that are easy to have on hand.
Does a Low-Salt Diet Cause Insulin Resistance?
Trevor Connor, M.S.
There’s a belief in the Paleo world that a low-salt diet leads to insulin resistance, but the science shows the exact opposite - a high-salt diet causes it.
How to Eat The Paleo Diet in College
Emily Rumsey
College doesn’t have to equate to a highly processed, nutritionally bankrupt diet. Learn how to eat Paleo even when living in a dorm room!
Three Protein Myths You Might Still Believe
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
We know we need protein, but things get confusing once we address how much we need and where we should be sourcing this important component of our diet. Read more for answers to common myths about protein.
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