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Is Wine Good for You? Why Sulfites in Wine Are Unhealthy
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
As wine making progressed from the Neolithic times to the present, procedures were implemented to improve taste, but sulfites are a questionable addition.
Keeping Your Next Backpacking Trip Paleo
Kyle Cordain
Planning a four- to five-day backpacking trip? Want to keep up your Paleo lifestyle while you’re out there? Check out our tips and ideas for staying Paleo while backpacking.
How to Get a Beach-Ready Body
Jane Dizon
Feel better and prepare for your next beach outing with this helpful guide from The Paleo Diet. Keep up with our blog to learn even more about Paleo for athletes!
What to Snack on This Winter (while Staying Healthy)
Lauren Fellows
We shed light on some common snacks that are not-so-healthy and give suggestions for healthy winter snacks that are easy to have on hand.
What to Eat This Week: November, Week 5
Aimee McNew
This week we’re keeping things light yet comforting. If you’re a little burnt out from Thanksgiving, here are simple recipes to try.
What to Eat This Week: November, Week 4
Aimee McNew
The week of Thanksgiving has finally arrived! Prepare for delicious holiday foods with this week’s meal prep guide!
The Importance of the Magnesium and Calcium Relationship: A Key Ratio for Health
Trevor Connor, M.S.
The magnesium and calcium relationship is important for overall health—and government guidelines on calcium got the science wrong.
What to Eat This Week: November, Week 3
Aimee McNew
Stay focused on Thanksgiving prep, with these easy meals for the week before.
What to Eat This Week: December, Week 3
Aimee McNew
It’s Christmas, so we’ve got some special treats in store for your meal plan this week including Red Snapper!
What to Eat This Week: January, Week 2
Aimee McNew
This week, try some classic Paleo meals to help support your New Year health goals!
What to Eat This Week: January, Week 4
Aimee McNew
This week’s meal plan is all about foods that are easy on the digestive system like soups.
Healthy Paleo Foods that Satisfy Cravings
Megan Patiry
You can still satisfy cravings without sacrificing healthy choices.
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