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5 Tips for Trying The Paleo Diet on a Budget
Isabella Mead
You can go Paleo and stay within your grocery budget with our tips and tricks.
Is Kimchi Paleo?
Lauren Fellows
Kimchi is high in nutrient density and healthy probiotics, but it's also high in salt. So what's the best way to enjoy it?
What to Snack on This Winter (while Staying Healthy)
Lauren Fellows
We shed light on some common snacks that are not-so-healthy and give suggestions for healthy winter snacks that are easy to have on hand.
The Beginner’s Guide to Shopping at a Farmers Market
Aimee McNew
If you’ve never enjoyed a farmers market before, here are some things you should know to help shop.
What to Eat This Week: November, Week 2
Aimee McNew
Our second edition of What to Eat This Week is full of hearty dishes that will keep you warm as the nights turn colder.
What to Eat This Week: November, Week 5
Aimee McNew
This week we’re keeping things light yet comforting. If you’re a little burnt out from Thanksgiving, here are simple recipes to try.
The Importance of the Magnesium and Calcium Relationship: A Key Ratio for Health
Trevor Connor, M.S.
The magnesium and calcium relationship is important for overall health—and government guidelines on calcium got the science wrong.
What to Eat This Week: November, Week 3
Aimee McNew
Stay focused on Thanksgiving prep, with these easy meals for the week before.
What to Eat This Week: December, Week 4
Aimee McNew
The week after a busy holiday and the last week of the year calls for quick and easy recipes that can be made with any ingredients on hand.
How the South Beach Diet Compares to Keto (And Why Paleo Is Still Best)
Aimee McNew
Do a lot of low-carb, high fat diets seem similar to you? See the major differences between The Paleo Diet, the South Beach Diet and the keto diet.
What to Eat This Week: December, Week 3
Aimee McNew
It’s Christmas, so we’ve got some special treats in store for your meal plan this week including Red Snapper!
I Tried The Paleo Diet for Seven Days. Here’s What Happened.
Emily Rumsey
I decided to go Paleo, cold turkey, for seven days. Even after a short time I felt many of the diet’s benefits like weight loss and improved sleep. I challenge anyone looking to jump start their healthy life to try it too!
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