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Type 2 Diabetes and Endotoxemia
The Paleo Diet Team
Learn more about Paleo babies & toddlers. Visit The Paleo Diet® for the latest Paleo recipes, Paleo Diet tips & tricks, Paleo news articles & more!
How Exercise and Diet Can Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
Aimee McNew
The medical community traditionally states type 2 diabetes is a life-long condition, but new research shows it may be reversible with the right combination of diet and exercise.
Wheat Series Part 2: Wheat and Gluten’s Effect on Intestinal Permeability
Trevor Connor, M.S.
While going gluten-free may seem like a fad, it helps avoid health problems caused by intestinal permeability.
The Wheat Series Part 5: Pulling the Trigger on a Loaded Chamber
Trevor Connor, M.S.
Our genetics have not changed in the last 100 years. Yet, chronic disease like autoimmune conditions and cancer have risen dramatically. Is wheat to blame?
Milk Allergies and The Paleo Diet
The Paleo Diet Team
Brazilian cattle breeders claim is based on data that BCM-7 alone would be the "villain" in milk, but milk allergies are a multifactorial health problem.
Why Dairy Isn’t Paleo
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Dr. Cordain discusses dairy’s unfavorable effect on health and how milk proteins and peptides can promote allergies, inflammation, and autoimmune disease.
The Benefits of The Paleo Diet®
The Paleo Diet Team
Take a dive into the premise and benefits of The Paleo Diet®
Paleolithic Aging: Exercise for Brain, Biceps, and Longevity
David Whiteside
Evidence is quietly accumulating that our brains and immune systems need exercise as much as our muscles. Find out the facts about Paleolithic aging.
Keto Side Effects: Long-Term Nutritional Deficiencies and Metabolic Impact
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
While the Paleo Diet and ketogenic diet are often confused, they have important differences that need to be recognized.
Increased Awareness of Paleo Diet Implications for Alzheimer’s Is a Must
David Whiteside
Learn how eating a proper diet can help you age better and avoid conditions associated with aging like neurodegeneration.
How Late-Night Eating Affects Your Circadian Rhythm
Dr. Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Today, there are many ancestral circadian mismatches with modern life. Late-night eating may be one of the most glaring incongruous elements.
Healthy Aging: Study Shows High-Carbohydrate Diets Promote Dementia
David Whiteside
Take a deep dive into research showing how eating a diet high in sugar can contribute to the onset of dementia and how a Paleo Diet can be protective
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