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Your Results for: salmon

The Science Behind Intermittent Energy Restriction
Trevor Connor, M.S.
Our bodies are directed by circadian rhythms that dictate when we sleep and eat. Timing meals like our Paleolithic ancestors can help keep them in sync.
Healthy Foods and Micronutrients That Boost Your Immune System
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
These foods can boost your immune system during times of stress, poor sleep, or whenever you feel a cold coming on.
Eat More Protein for Better Health
Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS
Protein is essential to overall health and wellness, weight loss, and athletic performance. A Paleo diet is naturally high in protein and low in sodium.
Are Beans Healthy? Why The Paleo Diet Bans Legumes
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Beans and legumes have been promoted by the USDA as nutritional equivalents to animal proteins. But science shows that beans and legumes contain antinutrients that can cause many health problems.
Creatine for Athletic Performance and Health
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
What are the best sources of creatine and does the Paleo diet adequately provide you with enough so you can perform at your best and not supplement?
Ancestral Foods for Antioxidant Health
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
You don’t need to use supplements to quench free-radicals! Here are some antioxidant-rich Paleo foods!
Keeping Your Next Backpacking Trip Paleo
Kyle Cordain
Planning a four- to five-day backpacking trip? Want to keep up your Paleo lifestyle while you’re out there? Check out our tips and ideas for staying Paleo while backpacking.
Most Canned Sardines Are Bad for You. Here’s How to Choose Healthy Canned Sardines.
Betsy Schroeder
Which is healthier for you, canned or fresh sardines? Here's what to look for.
Stanford Study Supports Eating Healthy Fats
Trevor Connor, M.S.
A new Stanford study shows that it may not be low-carb or low-fat, but the quality of the fatty acids you’re eating which is a key part of the Paleo Diet
Should I Choose Wild or Farmed Fish?
Bill Manci
Should we pick farm-raised or wild-caught fish? It seems like an easy Paleo choice, but is it? The answer in terms of sustainability and health may surprise
Reversing Cognitive Decline With The Bredesen Protocol
David Whiteside
There's no cure for Alzheimer’s, but certain lifestyle changes can do wonders.
The Benefits of Eating Bison
The Paleo Diet Team
Are you looking for ways to improve the quality of your meat consumption? Learn how bison is healthier to some other meats.
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