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Your Results for: salmon

Foods That Increase Libido  
Andrea Dehnke and Betsy Schroeder
Whether you’re looking for the best foods that increase libido tonight or hoping to increase your sex drive over the long term, we have some science-backed foods that may help get things going in the bedroom.
3 Micronutrient Ratios to Keep in Balance
Betsy Schroeder
A typical Western diet puts people way off on these delicate micronutrient ratios.
Podcast: How the Standard American Diet Hampers Athletic Performance
Dr. Loren Cordain and Shelley Schlender compare the standard American diet to The Paleo Diet and how each can impact athletic performance.
Natural Remedies for Better Skin and Hair
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
Everything we need to nourish our bodies from the inside out can be found in nature. Some of your Paleo pantry staples make the best beauty products.
Simple Ways to Reduce Omega-6s and Increase Omega-3s in Your Diet for Better Health
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Learn how to reduce omega-6s and increase omega-3s with your paleo diet. Browse The Paleo Diet® for the latest paleo news, meal plans & more today!
Promoting Calcium Balance Health on a Paleo Diet (Easier Than You Think)
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Learn how to promote calcium balance on a paleo diet. Browse The Paleo Diet® blog for more paleo diet tips, paleo recipes, meal plans & more today!
What to Eat This Week: November, Week 5
Aimee McNew
This week we’re keeping things light yet comforting. If you’re a little burnt out from Thanksgiving, here are simple recipes to try.
What to Eat This Week: November, Week 3
Aimee McNew
Stay focused on Thanksgiving prep, with these easy meals for the week before.
The Best Paleo Snacks for Skiing & Other Winter Sports
Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan
Whether you're skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, or ice climbing, these Paleo-friendly snacks will keep you energized!
Can Fruits and Vegetables Help Us Live Longer?
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
A brief history of the “Juice Men”, Norman Walker and Jay Kordich, and how their ahead-of-the-times concept of “juicing” has applicable health benefits today.
What to Eat This Week: January, Week 3
Aimee McNew
Looking for some nutrient-dense meals? Get your fill of protein with lots of eggs and animal meat with this week’s meal plan.
What to Eat This Week: February, Week 3
Aimee McNew
The goal this week: eat more vegetables than you normally do!
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