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Your Results for: cancer

The Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is One Reason Cheese is Not Paleo
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Dairy products, including cheese, are not allowed on The Paleo Diet. Here’s what you need to know about the dangers of consuming cheese.
Why Olives Are Not Paleo, But Olive Oil Is
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Olive oil is frequently used in Paleo cooking, so does that mean olives are Paleo too?
Evolution and High Protein Diets Part 3
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
A high protein diet actually reduces the risk of many diseases.
Why Processed Meats Aren’t Paleo
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Unless you shop carefully for grass-fed, pasture-raised animals or wild game, any processed meat you consume is from feedlot animals.
Paleolithic Aging: Exercise for Brain, Biceps, and Longevity
David Whiteside
Evidence is quietly accumulating that our brains and immune systems need exercise as much as our muscles. Find out the facts about Paleolithic aging.
Protein: Is It Bad for Your Gut?
Robert Yang, M.S.
There is an ongoing debate in the nutrition world about protein’s effect on the gut. A healthy gut microbiome is critical to preventing disease and inflammation. Research shows protein actually improves gut health rather than harm it when combined with fiber.
Added Dietary Salt Adversely Influences Immunity & Inflammation
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Research in humans has demonstrated that a high salt diet promotes chronic inflammation and adversely affects the immune system.
Why You Should Eat Your Vegetables
Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS
A Paleo Diet promotes eating lots of vegetables, which are rich in nutrients and contribute to better health overall.
The Wheat Series Part 5: Pulling the Trigger on a Loaded Chamber
Trevor Connor, M.S.
Our genetics have not changed in the last 100 years. Yet, chronic disease like autoimmune conditions and cancer have risen dramatically. Is wheat to blame?
How to Protect Yourself Against Indoor Air Pollution
Hannah Richards
Poor indoor air quality can adversely affect our health; here’s what to do about it.
Are Sweet Potatoes Healthy? See Why Yams Have Health Benefits for Most People
Betsy Schroeder
Sweet potatoes are healthy for most people and offer a wide range of health benefits because of their vitamin, fiber, and antioxidant content.
Vegetarian and Vegan Diets, Part 3: Other Nutrient Deficiencies
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
You don’t have to look any further than the ADA’s or the USDA’s recommendations on vegetarian diets to discover their additional nutrient shortcomings.
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