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The Importance of the Magnesium and Calcium Relationship: A Key Ratio for Health
Trevor Connor, M.S.
The magnesium and calcium relationship is important for overall health—and government guidelines on calcium got the science wrong.
Salt is a Killer Without Huge Intakes of Fruits and Veggies
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Are you eating enough fresh fruits and veggies to counteract your salt intake?
Eat More Protein for Better Health
Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS
Protein is essential to overall health and wellness, weight loss, and athletic performance. A Paleo diet is naturally high in protein and low in sodium.
New Research Highlights Health Benefits of High Protein Diets
Christopher Clark
By following a Paleo diet, which of course eliminates refined sugar and cereals, you’ll naturally be consuming what’s considered to be a high protein diet.
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