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Live The Paleo Diet Lifestyle

Winter Simmer Pot Recipe
Isabella Mead
Candles are out, and simmer pots are in! Check out this Paleo-friendly winter simmer pot recipe along with other great simmer pot tips.
Feast of the Seven Fishes
Andrea Dehnke and Isabella Mead
Try the Feast of the Seven Fishes this Christmas Eve with our Paleo menu.
How to Promote Clear Skin with The Paleo Diet
Isabella Mead
You could rid yourself of acne and find glowing skin with The Paleo Diet! See how to get clear skin through careful food choices.
How to Protect Yourself Against Indoor Air Pollution
Hannah Richards
Poor indoor air quality can adversely affect our health; here’s what to do about it.
Why The Paleo Diet Has High Nutrient Density
Trevor Connor, M.S.
The Paleo Diet has been accused of causing nutritional deficiencies, but in reality it is one of the most nutrient-dense diets you can eat.
Spooky Ingredients to Watch Out for in Candy
Andrea Dehnke
Don’t be afraid to indulge a bit on Halloween, but beware certain ingredients that can be harmful when consumed in excess.
Healthy Alternatives to Candles
Isabella Mead
Scented candles bring warmth and comfort to our homes, but they can also fill the room with harmful toxins. We offer several candle alternatives to keep your living spaces smelling pleasant.
5 Beneficial Fall Spices to Add to Your Diet
Griffin McMath, ND
Pumpkin spice isn't the only spice combo to incorporate into your diet this time of the year. Explore some of our favorite fall spices.
How to Choose, Store, and Let Go of Spices
Griffin McMath, ND
Eating healthy doesn’t mean your food needs to be bland, and adding the right types of seasoning can also add a variety of health benefits to your meals.
Microgreens: Big Nutrition in a Small Package
Maureen Farrar
These greens may be tiny, but from a nutritional standpoint, they’re mighty.
Paleo Health and Wellness: A Lifestyle Approach
The Paleo Diet Team
The Paleo Diet is a lifestyle based on principles of health and wellness. See how Paleo health and wellness go hand-in-hand.
Hydration for Athletes: Should You Drink When Thirsty or on a Schedule?
Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Which hydration guideline is best suited to your Paleo lifestyle?
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