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Maureen Farrar

All About Mangos
Maureen Farrar
With their sweet, juicy flavor, mangos are a tasty way to get your vitamins and minerals.
The Paleo Diet® Certification Sets New Standard in Fastest Growing Segments of the Food Market
The Paleo Diet certification introduces updated variations of the PaleoFLEX™ and TRUEPALEO™ certifications, allowing brands to highlight specific differentiators such as "minimally processed" or "low sugar."
Kale Benefits and Culinary Tips
Betsy Schroeder
Here’s what you may not have known about kale and some delicious ways to enjoy it.
Applying Paleo Principles to Therapeutic Diets in Patients with Digestive Conditions
Madeleine Hartmann
Many diet protocols to improve gastrointestinal symptoms can become compatible with The Paleo Diet with just a few tweaks.
The Juicy Secret About Strawberries
Maureen Farrar
Strawberries offer big health benefits in a bite-size package.
Americans are Fed up with the Portion Distortion Era
Kimberly Lord Stewart
Americans are increasingly confused about portion sizes, but not to worry. We share several mindful eating strategies to help you live a happier life.
Cracking the Code on the High Cost of Eggs
Kimberly Lord Stewart
Our guide to buying and cooking with eggs and egg alternatives to ease your mind and stretch your dollar.
Why Is Alzheimer’s Being Called Type 3 Diabetes?
Trevor Connor, M.S.
There are several pathological links between Alzheimer's and diabetes, but does that mean they’re the same disease?
Understanding the Differences Between Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Hayley Fisher
Decode your symptoms to learn if you’re dealing with a food allergy or a food sensitivity so you can take the proper steps to feel your best.
Cauliflower Nutrition Benefits & Culinary Tips
Betsy Schroeder
Cauliflower is a versatile vegetable that can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes.
Boost Immunity and Fight Disease with Spinach
Maureen Farrar
Learn how to select, store, and prepare spinach to reap its benefits.
Peeling Back the Benefits of Oranges
Maureen Farrar
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. But when life gives you oranges... well, you have a nutritional powerhouse packed with flavor and health benefits.
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