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Are Sweet Potatoes Healthy? See Why Yams Have Health Benefits for Most People
Betsy Schroeder
Sweet potatoes are healthy for most people and offer a wide range of health benefits because of their vitamin, fiber, and antioxidant content.
Is Coffee Paleo? Why Coffee Is Healthy for Most People
Irene Jay
Yes, coffee is healthy for most people and can be part of a Paleo diet. But those sensitive to caffeine should avoid coffee. Here's how to tell if coffee is healthy for you.
Why Staying Paleo Can Help Beat Holiday Stress
The Paleo Diet Team
Here’s why sticking to The Paleo Diet® can help keep you afloat when you feel like you’re drowning in holiday stress.
The Best Paleo Snacks for Skiing & Other Winter Sports
Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan
Whether you're skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, or ice climbing, these Paleo-friendly snacks will keep you energized!
What to Snack on This Winter (while Staying Healthy)
Lauren Fellows
We shed light on some common snacks that are not-so-healthy and give suggestions for healthy winter snacks that are easy to have on hand.
Fun Ways to Keep Fit in Winter
Nell Stephenson, B.S.
Don’t let the winter compromise your health. See our tips for how to keep fit in winter and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Ancestral Clues to Better Sleep and Energy This Winter
Dr. Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
Winter can throw our circadian rhythms off balance, which may lead to a lack of proper sleep and energy. Following the sleep habits of hunter-gatherers may improve health.
The Paleo Diet Offers Natural Remedies to Ease Low Mood and Depression
Dr. Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
There is no easy fix for low mood and depression. By addressing blood sugar and other imbalances, these natural remedies for anxiety and depression can support a more positive mood.
Healthy Foods and Micronutrients That Boost Your Immune System
Dr. Marc Bubbs ND, MSc, CISSN, CSCS
These foods can boost your immune system during times of stress, poor sleep, or whenever you feel a cold coming on.
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